This script performs a reverse DNS lookup against a list of IP addresses. I use it to determine genuine Googlebot requests for log file analysis.

It takes an Excel file (.xslx) called logs.xslx with a sheet named ‘Sheet1’ and looks for IPs in a column called ip. Then it performs a reverse lookup on the unique values. It exports an Excel file called validated_logs.xslx which contains all of the data from logs.xslx, with an additional column called ‘dns’ that lists the domain names. If using a CSV, swap read_excel for read_csv as specified within the comments.

Anaconda comes with all the packages required to run this script. If you’re not using Anaconda, there are a few dependencies that need installing. See comments in code.

#pip install pandas
import pandas as pd
# pip install dnspython
from dns import resolver,reversename
# pip install xlrd, pip install xlsxwriter
from import ExcelWriter
import time 
startTime = time.time()

# Import excel called logs.xlsx as dataframe
# if CSV change to pd.read_csv('logs.csv', error_bad_lines=False)

logs = pd.read_excel('logs.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1') 

# Create DF with dupliate ips filtered for check
logs_filtered = logs.drop_duplicates(['ip']).copy() 

# Evaluate DNS from filtered IP's
def reverseDns(ip):
    return str(resolver.query(reversename.from_address(ip), 'PTR')[0])
    return 'N/A'

# Create DNS column with the reverse IP DNS result 
logs_filtered['dns'] = logs_filtered['ip'].apply(reverseDns)

# Merge DNS column to full logs matching IP
logs_filtered = logs.merge(logs_filtered[['ip','dns']], how='left', on=['ip'])

# output as Excel
writer = ExcelWriter('validated_logs.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter', options={'strings_to_urls': False})
logs_filtered.to_excel(writer,'Sheet1', index=False)

print('File Succesfully written as validated_logs.xlsx')
print ('The script took {0} second !'.format(time.time() - startTime))